Wikiquote is a free, online compendium of quotations curated by contributors worldwide. It is a sister project of Wikipedia, hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. Wikiquote aims to compile and organize notable quotes from famous individuals, literary works, films, speeches, and other sources, making it a resource for those looking for inspiration, historical insight, or simply interesting sayings.
Key Features:
- Quotes by Person: Wikiquote provides pages dedicated to notable individuals, featuring their memorable quotes organized by topic or work.
- Quotes by Theme: Users can find quotes related to specific themes like love, courage, or education.
- Media Quotes: Offers notable lines from films, television shows, and other forms of media.
- Verified Sources: Many quotes include citations to ensure reliability and traceability to the original context.
- Multilingual Support: It is available in multiple languages, with separate subdomains for each language.
Wikiquote is community-driven, meaning anyone can contribute or edit content, adhering to its guidelines. This ensures a growing and diverse repository of quotations over time.