
iSL Collective

A treasure trove of free English ESL handouts


We are a community of language teachers from around the globe who share our home-made worksheets on this free-to-use platform! Currently, we host Word doc/docx and ppt/pptx (powerpoint) files. It’s for all language teachers, whether teaching in schools or doing one-on-one private tutoring. The site has 6 platforms for the teaching of English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian.

You can download all ESL teaching materials free of charge. We have a special, so-called Supporting Membership option. This website is run and developed and the staff is paid from the proceeds of these memberships. Please consider becoming a Supporting Member to sponsor the site. You can help the most if you choose to be a “recurring” supporter who donates a small amount every month. In return you can not only call yourself a proud sponsor of the site, but you will also stop seeing ads on the site.

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